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Ukrainska Pravda! - Ukraine War News
US Draws 'Red Line' Over Including Hezbollah in
Lebanon's Government, New Envoy Says
By Sally Abou Aljoud (February 7, 2025) AP
Analysis-Russia Raises Domestic Asset Seizure Stakes
with Grain Trader, Moscow Airport Grab
By Anastasia Lyrchikova, Olga Popova,
Gleb Stolyarov and Darya Korsunskaya
(February 7, 2025) Reuters
Russia Could Be Allowed to Keep its Military Bases,
Syria Says
By Mia Jankowicz
(February 7, 2025) Insider
Syria's new leaders turn to Islamic law
in effort to rebuild Assad's police
By Amina Ismail and Khalil Ashawi
(January 23, 2025) Reuters
Exclusive-Syrian Kurdish forces oppose
handing jihadist jails to Islamist rulers
By Orhan Qereman (January 21, 2025) Reuters
Haitian gang shoots up crowded U.S. embassy van,
wounding at least one employee
By Jacqueline Charles (January 20, 2025) Miami Herald
As first Israeli hostages are released, Hamas sends a message:
It is far from being destroyed
By Mostafa Salem (January 19, 2025) CNN
Syrian Defense Minister Rejects Kurdish Proposal
for its Own Military Bloc
By Maya Gebeily (January 19, 2025) Reuters
A look at the events that led up to the arrest of
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol
By Kim Tong-Hyung (January 18, 2025) Associated Press
More Kenyan Police Land in Haiti to
Bolster Security Mission
By No Author (January 18, 2025) AFP
South Korea's impeached president is arrested
over a martial law declaration as his supporters riot
By Kim Tong-Hyung (January 18, 2025) Associated Press
3 Lawyers for the Late Kremlin Foe Alexei Navalny
Are Convicted and Sentenced to Prison
By No Author (January 17, 2025) Associated Press
Israel Backs Gaza Deal.
Truce and Hostage Release Could Start Sunday.
By Gerry Shih, Claire Parker (January 17, 2025) Washington Post
Israeli Security Cabinet Approves Gaza Deal
as Hostage Release Draws Near
By Summer Said, Jared Malsin, Anat Peled
(January 17, 2025) Wall Street Journal
Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Orders Mass Transfer of
Soldiers from Ukraine's Air Force to Infantry Units
By Olha Kyrylenko, Anastasia Protz
(January 14, 2025) Ukrainska Pravda!
Blinken: We Assess That Hamas Has Recruited
Almost as Many New Fighters as it Has Lost
By Jacob Magid (January 14, 2025) Times of Israel
Jack Smith, In Final Report, Says Voters Saved
Trump from Being Convicted in Jan. 6 Case
By Katherine Faulders, Alexander Mallin, Pierre Thomas,
Peter Charalambous, and Lucien Bruggeman
(January 13, 2025) ABC News
Oil Tanker Sabotage Crew Were Poised to Cut
More Cables When Caught, Finland Says
By Anne Kauranen (January 13, 2025) Reuters
Maduro Signals Readiness for Armed Conflict Amid
Global Opposition: 'We Will Fight the Battle'
By Carola Guerrero De León(January 12, 2025) Latin Times
(advocate for this cause)
Motorists - Tired Of Huffing Gas At The Pump?
Gasoline and convenience stores have been using fake boots.
A fake boot is a flat round piece of rubber that's------
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(advocate for this cause)
The Israel/Palestine/Nazareth Conflict
Christians are just tolerated not equal.
Christians are ......
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(advocate for this cause)
The Mexican Immigration Crisis
The Mexican immigration has helped America, especially in its race war.
It's not just black or white anymore. They have replaced -------
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(advocate for this cause)
warning adult subject - rated PG
The Most Innovative and High-Tech Condom
You don't need a condom - you need a kit. This is what....
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Wheres Jack?
Recently, the communist party of China went after Jack Ma and other Chinese billionaires. How can you not like Jack Ma.
What did they do? CPC realized they needed to put all their billionaires in place if not for their quest to democracy
and that's what they did. Russia threw their billionaires out windows. The United States and congress need to put their
billionaires in place before they bankrupt our government Even Jack Ma will agree that it had to be done.
Is Crypto Currency a Scam? or is it Gambling? Both.
Our government should not be involved in crypto. It is too volatile to invest in and has no value. Even if the
US government made a windfall on crypto, if someone wins, someone has to lose. The losers will be business's,
farms, homeowners, cause foreclosures and the winners will be the ones that read and study the industry and
know when to buy and sell. The already billionaires will be the ones to come out as the winners. They all
have tax exempt foundations to get out of paying taxes and have their own crypto currency. Protect yourself by
using banks that are not involved in crypto. This is a good time in history to hoard cash. Get a safty deposit box
to keep your assets and don't leave money at home. Crypto has the ability to bankrupt our country if used as a
currency, it could go from $100,000 to $1 in one day and cause incredible loss. Basically, if used as
a currency it would be a scam. It should be considered gambling on a scale from 1 to 10 if you buy low and
sell high you can make a lot of money, but if you buy high and sell low you will lose a lot of money. but that
does not make it legal. Crypto should be regulated just like a gambling web site and share the same rules.
Crypto might eventually have to be banned from being used as a currency. If crypto crashes, the taxpayer
would be bailing out crypto owners or gamblers instead of real business's that manufacturer food products
or building materials and that could bankrupt our government. Congress should pass a bill to ban government
bailouts to crypto owners or their gambling losses. 1 out of 7 Americans are rumored to own crypto.
Election Results
Discrimination loses election for Democrats.
Biden would have won the election. The economy is doing great. Real estate prices holding steady. Immigration
is down to a 2-year low. Unemployment rates are at record low level. This was the best year in the stock market
in 2 decades. The country is doing good. under Joe Biden. Nancy Polosi was wrong to ask Biden to step down.
It cost the election. I don't care if Biden was in a wheelchair, as long as he can lead. If Biden came to a point
where he felt like he should step down, Kamala would become president anyway. Even presidents have to
deal with age discrimination. Democrats lost all respect for their own candidate and political party after
years of being
trash talked by his and her opponents.
The 2024 Election
The 2024 election is about hatred and discrimination for immigrants.
It's the number one issue every year and election since the Pilgrims landed in what is now America.
These immigrants from China, Mexico and Latin America, India, and other nationalities built the first
railroads, bridges, skyscrapers and brought with them a lot of skilled and talented workers. We need
skilled workers and compete with other countries for some of these workers who live in awful conditions. For every
1 million immigrants, they need to build 250 thousand homes and apartments at 4 per household. People in the
real estate business love immigrants (not landlords). They will also buy 250.000 new or used cars and trucks.
If a 2-car family, it would be 500,000 cars. Car dealers love immigrants. Furniture stores and grocery stores
love immigrants. Walmart loves immigrants. Everyone seems to be making out. You might have to help the
immigrants get established but it's worth the investment. Cutting down on immigration could have
serious repercussions. They are also paying social security taxes in a system that they won't benefit for decades.
Some of these immigrants or border crossers should have come the legal route they just don't have the
knowledge on how to come legally. Americans are wondering what the average American will look like decades from now.
Look in front of you, look to the left then the right. This is what an American looks like.
War In Gaza
The Israel war is not against Gazan's or Palestinians, It's against Hama's, Iranian terrorists
and street gangs. People of Gaza refuse to denounce Hamas. They refuse to ask Hamas to give back
the hostages even after all the lives lost. If citizens in Gaza are going to keep a terrorist or street gang run government,
then Israel has the right to Conquer Gaza. It is the only way to get rid of the Iranian terrorists.
Woman in Gaza will have more rights living under the Israeli government and a better life. No country should give
the terrorists aid. All aid must be given to the Israel government not Hamas. Money giving to terrorists must be
confiscated and distributed by Israel. Both Israelis and Gazans can live together in new high rises
that are going to be built. Hamas is not planning to leave Gaza or go to Iran and Gazans can care less if an Iranian
terrorist group or street gang is running their government and for that reason, Gaza must be a city in Israel.
Mexico is Completely Responsible for the Border Crisis.
Without their participation we can't stop migrants from entering the US. We can only stop them
once they
cross the border or that line and as soon as they do they qualify for
political asylum. We can't stop them on their side. Thats Mexico's responsibility.
They must control
their side of the border especially if they're not Mexican citizens but foreigners trying to cross.
It's a
national security breach and if Mexico won't patrol their own border, we must sanction Mexico or
raise tariffs
to pay for more border guards not fences. Fences stop wildlife from crossing borders and cattle
being able to graze
on both sides of the border. Our generation are tearing down walls not building them.
The Berlin wall, Israel Gaza wall, North and South Korea wall. Mexico has no intention of securing our border.
Their out of excuses. The only other thing we can do is cross the border into Mexico
illegally and make a one-mile buffer zone. The world knows that Mexico is refusing to patrol their own border and
foreigners all over the world are flooding the border to cross into the US. Some of these immigrants are
risking their lives to get to America. The term "boat people" used to bring a laugh for comedians,
now it's a derogatory term. Being on an overloaded homemade boat and not knowing how to swim. Thats horrific.
Thats pretty desperate for a meaningful job and a new life or way out of poverty.
Their fleeing a different kind of poverty, the kind even some low-income families don't understand
or take things for granted. Migrants who have traveled or walked a thousand miles to get to the border,
lose all their belongings halfway when they realize they can't carry anything anymore while crossing jungles and rivers.
Many arrive at the border traumatized, possessionless with little documentation and in need of shoes and clothing.
When a citizen is trapped in poverty and there's no way out, that's when your government must stand in, and their government has
failed them that's why they are coming here. America has learned if you help the people at the bottom they turn
around and help people at the top. These immigrants can't even get food stamps until they are processed.
Just identifying them and getting the documents they need to get American ID; s is a lot of work. If they apply for
green cards for them, it makes it even more difficult if they are homeless or have to move a lot and can't get mail.
They're in a strange country, don't speak English and have no idea where they are or being able to distinguish
between a hundred or a one-dollar bill. Sometimes it's better if they stay in the system until they
have all their legal documents and ID; s and get familiar with their new country and language. America
needs migrant workers to keep our economy growing strong. Their migration to the US is fueling the real estate
market. If a million immigrants come to America, they need a place to live. They will have to build 200,000 to 300, 000
homes and apartments. Thats a lot of jobs and housing starts. Also take note that Latin Americans are predominately Christian
and if we needed foreign workers Mexicans would be a good match.
And what do American employment agencies have against opening offices in
Latin America or have job fairs
at Mexican convention centers? Certainly, it can help
alleviate some traffic at the border.
(Read More)
Please Eliminate the Taxable Earnings Cap on Social Security ($168,600)
America has protected the wealthy long enough. Why wouldn't you want millionaires and billionaires to pay
social security tax. They're exactly the ones that should be paying Social Security taxes. We must completely eliminate
the taxable earnings base which is now capped at $168,600. We have been protecting these billionaires
long enough. Social Security is more than just getting a monthly retirement check. Many who live above the
$168,600 threshold have adults and children with a disability.in their household and are better off treated in the
public service system. It pays for doctors, clinics, therapists, hospitals, case managers and nurses.
Don't forget about transportation and housing which all can add up to tens of thousands per year no matter how much
they make. They should be made to pay half the social security tax cost if they earn over $168,600 with no cap.
The cash retirement benefits can be capped at $168,600 based income instead. Vote to make anyone earning over $168,600
to have to pay half of the social security tax no matter how much they make with no way to write it off or
get out of paying the full amount. We have been protecting the wealthy long enough. Don't worry about their finances.
Worry about yours.- SSI and Social security is so much more than getting a monthly check.
(All About the FICA Tax Click Here)
High Crime in the City
There are so many convicted felons in Chicago or high crime cities that you
can't put them all in jail. You must concentrate on crime prevention. Don't give the crime a chance to happen in
the first place. Have you ever seen a police car covered in cameras used by traffic cops that also reads license plates.
If their Neiborhood is high crime, then you park camera cars in their Neiborhood's and corners of streets
or traffic lights. The higher the crime the more cameras are needed. You want these cameras visible or easy to see.
If they fail to report crime, then they have to "lose their right to privacy" and must also except
facial imaging. These camera cars or street cameras will cut down on crime knowing they're on camera.
If crime goes down, you can remove the cameras and they get their privacy back. Being on camera might make
the elderly feel safer.
Kick Butts - Cigarette Butts
Cigarette butts are the most littered product in the world. Their made of thousands of strands of plastic called,
cellulose acetate not fiberglass or cotton. Containing over 100 chemicals including lead and arsenic,
1 cigarette butt can pollute 250 gallons of water. Firemen hate cigarette butts. Trillions of cigarette butts end up
littering the earth every year. They are found in the stomachs of land and sea animals. There was a local drive
to get all store owners in the city to have ashtrays outside and it worked for a few months then they all disappeared.
Some smokers don't think butts are litter. The problem? They do not sell portable or pocket ashtrays
in the tobacco section of all stores leaving a smoker with no choice but to throw them down everywhere they go.
It should be mandatory that all stores that sell tobacco, sell portable or pocket ashtrays in plain view
in the tobacco section. Once someone starts using one and when they don't have their portable ashtray with them,
they start to get conscious of throwing down cigarette's butts. These portable or pocket ashtrays are
available in different sizes and shapes. It should be mandatory that all smokers carry one if they smoke
and if they are stopped by law enforcement with a cigarette in their hand, they can fine them
for not having a
extinguisher device or portable ashtray but only if their stopped for another reason.
(Click this link to see samples of pocket ashtrays.)
(This is not an ad for amazon)
Cigarette manufacturers can encourage smokers to carry pocket or portable ashtrays and
they can make it a campaign even if we have to force cigarette manufacturers to participate
Please Support Mandatory Insurance on All Assault Rifles
There should be a 6-month waiting list
to buy assault rifles to eliminate impulse buying. That will give time for
someone who needs anger management time to cool down. It will also give time for background checks.
Another factor is insurance. You might have to pay a yearly fee. for liability insurance because the gun
is so dangerous, and accidents might not be covered by your homeowner insurance. Basically, the assault rifle
should have to be licensed and insured. You can have an age minimum, but no one wants to go 21 years of age to purchase.
Why not compromise and make the limit 20 years of age to buy the assault rifle. That way the buyer
won't be a teenager anymore " eighteen and nineteen ". and would be out of school for 2 years plus it would
still take 6 months to purchase the gun so that brings it to being out of school for 2 and a half years before
they can legally obtain an assault rifle. 18 19 -year-olds might have to be exempt if they're in the military.
But if they are in the military, they obviously have gun safety training. Another factor in military type
assault weapons is the cartridges. There are cartridges from 7 shot up to a 100-shot magazine and that's
just for handguns. Some say it's not the gun but the cartridge that makes the gun dangerous. It would be hard to
regulate all these cartridges. You might be able to ban a 100-round cartridge in your state.
Most semi-automatics come with standard 7 to 15 shot magazines. There's a lot of people incarcerated
that wish they never bought a gun. If you have a bad attitude do yourself a favor and don't buy a gun.
There was over 40.000-gun deaths in the US in 2023. 55% of gun deaths were self-inflicted, 4% accidental and
41% homicides. No major athletes or stars have publicly spoken out about school shootings especially during the
world series, super bowl or academy awards when they have the attention of the most people and teens.
Schools need to teach students about mental health and let them know that they have guidance counselors available.
If they think they will hurt themselves or others, they must realize that if their thinking gets that distorted
it's time to go to the emergency room and seek emergency mental health treatment at their local hospital.
Please Contact Your State Legislators and Demand That All Assault Rifles Be Insured
Because Of Accidents and If Someone Gets Hurt by the Gun.
Please Support Mandatory Gun Insurance.
If They Stop Paying Insurance on the Gun It Can Be Confiscated.
Why You Must Support the Free Public-School Lunch Bill
for All Students if You Support the Recreational Pot Bill.
These 2 bills must go together. Please don't support bill for legal pot unless you support free lunches in
public schools for all students. It's a hassle coming up with lunch money for kids every day for parents.
They might take it out on the kids. Medical pot has ruined it for recreational legal pot. Because medical pot
is only allowed to sell mid-grade or low-grade pot. It cost almost twice the street price. Mid-grade sells for
$45-$50 a quarter ounce on the street. The same pot, medical, is now $90 to $100 a quarter and this is low grade.
That's why we wanted legal pot in the first place so we could get the high-grade pot that is grown in the United States.
$100 a quarter. Medical pot mostly sells cartridges for vapor pins that sell up to $100 a gram.
You can easily use a whole cartridge a day or more. This is one product that the government should want to keep
the price as low as possible for consumers. This money is going to go up in smoke. Now the unsold medical pot
is hitting the streets and flooding it with medical or low-grade pot. It's a rip off. The point is that
whether its medical or recreational pot is that it's expensive. You could spend a fortune for either one.
First you get off work on Friday night.
Buy a pack of cigarettes. Pick up a six pack of beer and buy lottery tickets. And now on top of that
you purchase this low grade but expensive pot which cost more than the first 3 combined. It will put kids in a
whole new level of poverty. That's why if you support a medical or recreational pot bill, you must support free lunches
in all public schools for all students, teachers and staff. If students get money now, they can spend what little they have
and buy personal hygiene products. The free lunch for all students in public school's bill must go with the
medical or recreational pot bill.
States that Have Passed Universal Free
School Meals (So Far) Update
By Marissa Sheldon (April 9, 2024) Food Policy
Please support our "Please Ask the Taliban What Do They Have Against _agina " Campaign.
Please help send this to Afghanistan newspapers and websites
"Taliban now means men who love other men"
We Need Self-Charging Cars Not Self-Driving. Where's The Alternator?
Alternators can supply electric cars with plenty of
power especially if you have them hooked to the rear dummy axle
that has no driveshaft or transmission hooked to it. We have the technology we just need to get citizens to
bring this up to major news networks and get the public sold on them. Self-charging cars would give us a freedom
we never had before. Go anywhere we want and travel more. Cars can be completely self-charging with
modern technology. I know how to make a rechargeable car, why can't they? Let's concentrate on self-charging cars
not self-driving cars. It can be done, and this is a wake-up call to people in the alternator business.
Alternators can decrease the number of batteries needed in electric cars or increase mileage. If we can spend
billions on self-driving technology, we can spend billions on the self-charging industry.
District of Columbia (D.C.) Is Our Capitol Not a State. (U.S.)
It is a very special place. You might even say it's the capital of the world. You want to make it a state?
If DC is our capitol, then it makes it federal property and all government workers should get federal pay
including teachers. If a state, they will lose their federal pay status. Federal pay meaning there is
county wages, state wages and federal wages meaning they are paid more. All 50 states should financially
support their capitol and help pay for the increase in wages. You can slowly increase wages by the month
and receive full wages after one year. They should not get back pay. Please don't harm our capitol.
50 States to Keep One Land Free - District of Columbia - Land of The Immigrants - DC has representation
Represent or Resign. We need new talent. Born in D.C.
Please Save Our Capitol
Forgiving Student Loan Debt
With the thought of student loan debt being forgiven, the first things that come to mind is that this
is a children's rights issue. This money belongs to every 1st grader to the 12th grade (1.6 trillion).
This money is for their college education. Instead of forgiving the debt, you can suspend interest rates
indefinitely for 3 years then slowly reinstate interest rates. Owning a debt is one thing. Watching your payment
go up instead of down. Thats where the stress starts of student loan debt. You can also offer early payoff deals
maybe knocking off 15% if they completely pay off the loan. Because of the pandemic, borrowers are late
on their payments. If we eliminate interest, you can also give a refund of up to 1 to 3 years' worth of
interest back. This money can be spent on their student loan back payments or if they get complete
amnesty from payments during the pandemic, they can use the money to pay off other debt's. Having a
no interest loan will encourage more citizens to go to a college or university. The thing about forgiving
student loan debt is this. You're at a job interview. The applicant has a degree in this certain field. Their discussing
their salary that they are offering. The first applicant told the interviewer they have no student loan debt.
It was payed for by a grant. In fact, half the applicants had no student loan debt. The second applicant
interviewed had $100,000 in student loan debt. The interviewer asks their selves, why should we give top pay to the
applicants with no student loan debt. They don't need to make as much as the applicant with $100,000 in
student debt. They know that the applicant has $100,000 in student debt and needs to make more to take the job.
All applicants with no debt. end up getting less pay and the degree they are in is worth less. The debt is
what makes their degree so valuable.
Get Kids Off the Donor Program by Putting Them On
We need mandatory organ donors from birth to 28 years old to get kids off the donor waiting list.
The only way to make the system fair is if its mandatory. Do people really care if they take their liver, heart or other?
Is it really that big a deal? Instead of checking the organ donor on your license, you should check it if you
want off. Kids don't have DMV donor cards. If you are 0 to 28 there is no waiting list that's the benefit,
If you are over 28 and don't sign the donor card, they will not be eligible to receive one. You should be
signed up to receive donor only if they are on the donor sign up for 3 years or more. Hospitals
don't want people to die in their hospital and quickly send them to hospice but if their a donor that's the worst thing
they can do. These would be donors now must die in a hospice at the actual hospital to get their organs so this
would change everything. People must donate to the hospital run hospice and make them so nice that patients
would prefer to die there than at home. The in-house hospice would be for donors only.
Get kids off the waiting lists for organs.
If they pass this Bill, they can call it the "Life Forward Bill" or the "Party on Bill."
How the Economy Went Bad After Hurricane Katrina Using The 15% Rule
O.K. Home prices were out of control before H.K. then comes H.K. the price of plywood skyrocketed.
In fact the price of a lumber package rose 15% so insurance companies paid 15% more to rebuild the homes.
Because of the rise of a lumber package (15%) homes are valued 15% more so people who bought homes after H.K.
paid 15% more. Because home values rose 15% after H.K. some borrowed 15% or maxed out their mortgage. One year
after hurricane Katrina the demand for plywood went back to normal and the price of a lumber package dropped 15%.
Those who bought a home during this one-year period now have a house that is worth 15% less. Those who refinanced
their home during this year and their house is now worth 15% less and now owe more than their house is worth.
When the bottom fell out of the price of a lumber package one year after H.K. the price of homes in the U.S.
dropped 15% and this caused a recession. The question is should we stockpile plywood for emergencies,
relook how we deal with disasters, or look into price gouging (lumber package) after big disasters.
Keep in mind lumber companies may have to pay overtime to workers during high demand. Florida was hardest hit
because a lot of condos were built for vacationers and have mobile home quality cabinets and furnishings and bring
low bids at auctions. These condos are not suitable for homeowners who had nice homes and want to retire in.
Please Support No Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Buddha, Hindu or All Black / White States
No Dividing the World by Religious Beliefs or Skin Color
Al-Qaida - Taliban - Hamas - Hezbollah - IS - Extremists - Boko Haram
"Just Ordinary Street Gangs" of Larcenists, Arsonists, Vandals and Sex offenders In Unpoliced States
They have visited wealthy countries and when they go back to impoverished countries, they quickly learn
how easy it is.
taking advantage of citizens living in poverty
Using private citizens to fight wars have started a new trend.
(Killer Vacations)
Just jump on a plane, join a war/side, go on a two-week shooting spree,
answer to no one then get back on a plane, get back to their country and go back to work
(Killer Vacations)
Five Million Or Five Trillion
International Death Warrant Issued - Five Million Dollars Bounty
(increased to 100 million - Vladimir Putin - For Crimes Against Humanity
Extortion - Genocide In Syria - Threatening Nuclear Annihilation For Financial Gain And Notoriety
The United Nations Have All Agreed To Pay For An Assassin (contact United Nations)
We are still paying for the Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan and its aftermath or
Muslim Extremism
International Death Warrant Yevgeny Prigozhin,
founder of the Wagner Private Military Company. For International Terrorism. - Warrant Delivered
(contact United Nations)
Communist President Xi Jinping Being Considered for A Death Warrant - 100 million bounty
For Banning Free Elections - Child Slavery - Human Rights Violations
Terrorizing Free Democracies for Financial Gain and Notoriety
Planning Mass Murder. (contact United Nations)
Its Official: Palestinian Gaza Now a Seaport in Israel
No Statehood for A City of Felons
The international community demands that Israel take responsibility for national
security and demand that the dangerous nonexistent government of the Palestinian seaport of Gaza be declared
a city in Israel. Enough is enough. No more child soldiers. This would be government is too dangerous
to exist and just can't be in this century. The international community also demands that the government
of Egypt receive a war chest of 8.5 billion plus 3.5 billion in economic aid from the U.S. and its allies if they accept
our decision that will happen anyways and that an additional 2.5 billion be put aside for settlements
with the Palestinian Egyptian refugees and 70 million be put aside for a legal team , consultants
and panel to decide who gets a settlement, how it is given and what form it will be distributed . If the citizen
is in controversy, then their settlement will go to schools or programs that benefit their neighborhoods.
Egypt should not have to accept Israel as a Jewish state, just plain "Israel". International communities must
that this conflict is not about faith or skin color it is about the Palestinians denying Jewish immigrants
and citizens the right to own property and wealth and young Palestinians have very little to do about this decision
their government made decades earlier - The government of Israel must open up social services and offer services to its
citizens in the seaport of Gaza. If the Palestinians refuse to recognize they live in Israel their property
might be confiscated and then be sold, but if they recognize they live in Israel and pay taxes to the Israel treasury
they must let non-controversial Palestinians live in or move back into what is now Israel and keep their property.
It must be recognized that Israel has nuclear weapons, and they are the only responsible government in the region.
The modern map of Israel says it all. Christians, Muslims and all other faiths must realize that they had
centuries to reunite in this Holy Land but it was abandoned for centuries and let our histories be destroyed.
The Israeli's stepped up to the podium and now they must protect our ancient history and if they fail then this
government must be toppled and if the Christians rise to the occasion, then all faiths must except this government.
The Israel government is doing a great job of preserving our ancient history and we cannot let it be
destroyed for the centuries unborn.
There is no going forward and there is no turning back.
No Statehood for a City of Felons
Its Official: The city of Palestine and the seaport of Gaza are now in Israel.
Favorite Quotes
" Ending Race Narcissism Is Key to Peace in the Middle East and the World " (Editor)
" A Goal Without a Plan Is Just a Dream " (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
" It’s Better to Make the Poor Richer Than to Make the Rich Poorer. "
Caroline Baum (MW)
"Climate Change Must Start At The Factory And Business Not Rain Forests" (Editor)
"Gynophobia is defined as an intense and irrational fear of women or hatred of women,
it may be characterized as a form of specific phobias, which involves a fear that is centered on a
specific trigger or situation, which in the case of gynophobia is women." (Sania Farooqui)
"Voyeurism charges mean the act of taking a picture or video _exual in nature
without knowledge or permission of the victim and is illegal in most states and countries" (Editor)
"You can tear me apart, rip me to pieces, try breaking me down, but I'll never be beaten"
(Unkown Fredericksburg teenager - anti abuse campaign)
"White or Black Privilege Is Working 12 hours a day, 7 Days
A Week and Neglecting Your Kids To Do So, and When Their Children Grow Up
Their Expected To Do The Same" (Editor)
Janes Defense News
Tech War Zone
United Nations News Center
Transparency International - Government Corruption
Defense One
US Citizenship And Immigration Services
United Nations Refugee Agency
United Nations
Inter Press Service - News Agency
What Rights Could Donald Trump Lose
Now That He's a Convicted Felon?
By Fernando Cervantes Jr. (December 10, 2025) USA Today
Russia's Unjammable Drones Are Causing Chaos.
A Tech Firm Says It Has a Fix to Help Ukraine Fight Back.
By Jake Epstein (January 11, 2025) Business Insider
Iran Unveils 'Underground Missile City'
Amid Rising Tensions
By No Author (December 10, 2025) ESSA News
Army Chief Elected Lebanon's President
After Years of Deadlock
By David Gritten (January 9, 2025) BBC
Dockworkers Reach Tentative Deal With Ports
and Shippers, Averting a Potential Strike
By No Author (December 8, 2025) AP
US Justice Department Accuses Six Major
Landlords of Scheming to Keep Rents High
By Jesse Bedayn (January 7, 2025) Associated Press
Long Silenced By Fear, Syrians Now Speak
About Rampant Torture Under Assad
By Sarah El Deeb and Malak Harb
(January 7, 2025) Associated Press
Chinese Ship 'Severs Undersea Cables Around Taiwan'
By Kieran Kelly (January 5, 2025) The Telegraph
South Korean Investigators Abandon Effort
to Detain Impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol
By Eah Sarnoff, David Brennan, Joohee Cho and Morgan Winsor
(January 3, 2025) ABC News
Red Sea Crisis:
China's Secret Deal with Yemen's Houthi Rebels
By No Author (January 3, 2025) RegTechTimes
South Korean Investigators Arrive at
President Yoon's House to Arrest Him
By No Author (January 2, 2025) The Telegraph
Miniature Missile Designed to Counter
Low-Flying Drones to Be Tested in Ukraine
By Prabhat Ranjan Mishra
(January 2, 2025) Interesting Engineering
Venezuela's Government Offers $100K Reward for
Whereabouts of Opposition's Presidential Candidate
By No Author (January 2, 2025) Associated Press
Russia Seized 1,600 Square Miles of Ukraine's Territory
in 2024 While Losing 427,000 Troops, ISW Says
By Sinead Baker (January 2, 2025) Insider
What is the Islamic State, and What Attacks
Has it Inspired by Offshoots and Lone Wolves?
By Ellen Knickmeyer and Eric Tucker
(January 1, 2025) National News
Zelenskyy Said 30% of the Weapons and Gear Used by
Ukraine's Military in 2024 Was Domestically Made
By Sinead Baker (January 1, 2025) Business Insider
Spike in Russian Flights from Syria to Libyan Desert
Base As Moscow Eyes New Mediterranean Hub
By Nadeen Ebrahim and Tim Lister (December 31, 2024) CNN
'Highly Indoctrinated' North Korean Troops Are Being Sent
on 'Hopeless' Human Wave Assaults Against Ukrainian Positions:
White House
By Sinead Baker (December 28, 2024) Business Insider
North Korean Soldiers Kill Themselves to
Avoid Capture in Ukraine, U.S. Says
By Mithil Aggarwal (December 28, 2024) NBC News
US Removes Long-Standing Bounty on Syrian Rebel Leader
By Jennifer Hansler, Alex Marquardt and Michael Conte
(December 20, 2024) CNN
IDF Confirms Withdrawal from Southern Lebanon's
Khiam in Accordance With Ceasefire
By Emanuel Fabian (December 12, 2024) Times of Israel
What is Captagon' the Synthetic Stimulant That
Earned Billions for the Assad Regime in Syria?
By Desiree Adib (December 12, 2024) ABC News
China Threatens Taiwan with Largest Military Drill
in Decades as Biden Quietly Disappears from World Stage
By Wallace White (December 10, 2024) Daily Caller
Russia, Facing Loss of Syrian Base for Africa Operations,
Seen Turning to War-Torn Sudan or Divided Libya
By Brian Kenety
(December 10, 2024) Intellanews
South Korea President Yoon Banned from
Foreign Travel as Leadership Crisis Deepens
By Ju-min Park and Joyce Lee (December 9, 2024) Reuters
Scores Killed as Haiti Gang Leader
Reportedly Orders Massacre of Elderly
By No Author (December 9, 2024) CBS News
President Biden Says New Syrian Leaders Must Protect
Religious and Ethnic Minorities, as Assad Regime Defeated
By Suzanne Bates (December 8, 2024) Deseret
Syrian Rebel Leader's Victory Speech Holds a
Message for Iran and for Trump and Israel too
By Nic Robertson (December 8, 2024) CNN
Assad's Family 'Flees' to Russia
But Kremlin 'Won't Come' to Syrian Leader's Rescue
By James Kilner (December 6, 2024) The Telegraph
Iraq Will Not Be Just a 'Spectator' in
Syria, Prime Minister Says
By No Author (December 3, 2024) Reuters
Hamas Says 33 Captives Killed in Gaza
as Palestinian Factions Hold Talks
By No Author (December 3, 2024) Al Jazeera
Russian, Syrian Jets Intensify Bombing of
Syria's Rebel-Held Northwest
By Suleiman Al-Khalidi (December 1, 2024) Reuters
Thousands Visit Site of Hassan Nasrallah's Assassination
By Joel Gunter (November 30, 2024) BBC
Zelensky: I'll Give Up Ukrainian Territory
to Russia to Achieve Peace
By No Author (November 29, 2024) The Telegraph
Putin Has 2 Daughters He Barely Ever Talks About,
and is Rumored to Have at Least 1 More
By Michelle Mark,Ellen Cranley,Mia Jankowicz,Katie Balevic
(November 29, 2024) Business Insider - 18 min. read
Syrian Rebels Seize Territory
from Government in Renewed Offensive
By Omar Abdel-Baqui, Jared Malsin
(November 28, 2024) Wall Street Journal
US Sends Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine
to Navy Base Near China in a First
By Abhishek Bhardwaj (November 28, 2024) Interesting Engineering
'Like Dealing With Cornered Rats':
The Men Who Force Ukrainians to the Front Lines
By Lucy DuVall (November 27, 2024) The Telegraph
Chinese Vessel 'Sabotaged' Baltic Deep-Sea Cables
and May Have Been Under Orders from Russia
By Kieran Kelly (November 27, 2024) The Telegraph
Elon Musk Publicized the Names of Government Employees
He Wants to Cut. It's Terrifying Federal Workers
By Hadas Gold and Rene Marsh (November 27, 2024) CNN
Factbox-Costs of Israel-Hezbollah Conflict on Lebanon, Israel
By No Author (November 26, 2024) Reuters
Masses Flee Homes in Haiti as Gangs
Ratchet up Violence Amid Political Turmoil
By Pierre-Richard Luxama and Evens Sanon
(November 14, 2024) Associated Press
Hezbollah Should Abandon Arms to End Israel War,
Lebanese Christian Party Head Says
By Maya Gebeily and Timour Azhari
(November 14, 2024) Reuters
US Ambassador Says Mexico 'Closed the Doors' on
Security Cooperation and Denies its Violence Problem
By Maria Verza (November 13, 2024) AP
Two Jets from US Airlines Struck by Gunfire
Over Haiti's Capital
By Caitlin Stephen Hu, Michael Rios, Avery Schmitz
and Ivana Kottasova (November 11, 2024) CNN
Welcome to the UN Climate Change Conference Baku - COP29
(November 11-22, 2024) United Nations
Haiti to Replace Prime Minister as
Security Crisis Mounts
By Harold Isaac (November 10, 2024) Reuters
Dreams of a
'Broken Up' Russia Might Turn into a
Nightmare for the West - and an Opportunity for China
By Susan Smith-Peter (November 10, 2024) The Conversation
The Houthis Couldn't Have Built Their Most Dangerous Weapons
Without Help from Iran and Others, UN Experts Find
By Jake Epstein (November 5, 2024) Business Insider
Reform Row Puts Mexico at Risk of
'Constitutional Crisis'
By Yussel Gonzalez(November 5, 2024) AFP
Netanyahu Official Arrested Over Leak
That May Have Hindered Israeli Hostage Deal
By Neil Johnston (November 4, 2024) The Telegraph
Iran's Help Has Transformed Yemen's Houthi Rebels
into a Potent Military Force, UN Experts Say
By Edith M. Lederer (November 3, 2024) AP
Russia's Promise to DPRK for Help in War:
South Korea Obtained Data
By Oleksandra Zimko (November 3, 2024) RBC Ukraine
How Donald Trump is Laying the Groundwork to
Dispute the Election Results Again
By Jeremy Herb (November 3, 2024) CNN
Iran 'Preparing to Attack Israel' Possibly Before US Election
By Neil Johnston (October 31, 2024) the Telegraph
Mexican Fuel Flows to Cuba as the Island Faces
Blackouts and the Loss of Russian and Venezuelan Oil
By Megan Janetsky (October 31, 2024) AP
Pentagon Uneasy About Elon Musk's New Spy Satellites
By Noor Al-Sibai (October 30, 2024) Futurism
Elon Musk Says Trump Will Bring
'Temporary Hardship' For Americans
By Arthur Delaney, Jonathan Nicholson
(October 29, 2024) Huffpost
Iran Left Reeling from Netanyahu's
Calculated Revenge Mission
By Neil Johnston (October 26, 2024) the Telegraph
India Makes it Clear it's Not Interested
in a Western Alliance
By No Author (October 25, 2024) CBC
Secret Hamas Documents Reveal Sinwar's 'Last Orders'
By Iona Cleave (October 25, 2024) the Telegraph
Putin Asked Musk to Switch off Internet Over Taiwan
By Gregor Stuart Hunter (October 25, 2024) the Telegraph
Russia Helping Houthi Rebels Strike British Ships
By Neil Johnston (October 25, 2024) Telegraph
China to Offer Taliban Tariff-Free Trade
As it Inches Closer to Isolated Resource-Rich Regime
By Joe Cash (October 25, 2024) Reuters
Gangs in Haiti Open Fire and Hit a UN Helicopter
Midair as Violence Surges
By Danica Coto and Evens Sanon (October 24, 2024) AP
Mongolia Failed to Cooperate in Putin Arrest: ICC
By No Author (October 24, 2024) AFP
Russia's Military Still Has Dangerous Combat Forces
'Barely Touched' by the Ukraine War,
Top US General in Europe Warns
By Jake Epstein (October 24, 2024) Insider
North Korea's 'Assassination Unit':
Why 12,000 Special Forces Are Heading to Russia
By Daniel Kim
(October 22, 2024) Viewusglobal
South Korea Calls for Immediate Withdrawal of
North Korean Troops Allegedly in Russia
By Hyung-Jin Kim (October 21, 2024) AP
Israel Unearths Hezbollah's Web of Tunnels in Southern Lebanon
By Tia Goldenberg and Bassem Mroue (October 19, 2024) AP
North Korea Troop Deployment
Locks in Russia Military Alliance
By Claire Lee (October 19, 2024) AFP
Mexican Legislation Seeks to Reverse
Privatization of Rail Industry
By Staff (October 18, 2024) FreightWaves
Millions of Cubans Lose Power After National Grid Fails
By Dave Sherwood and Marianna Parraga (October 18, 2024) Reuters
Russia Tells Israel to Not Even Consider
Attacking Iranian Nuclear Facilities, TASS Says
By No Author (October 17, 2024) Reuters
This Country's Internet Freedom
Is Now as Bad as China's, Report Finds
By Helen Regan (October 17, 2024) CNN
Russia Confirms it's Going to Make it More
Painful for Companies to Quit the Country
By Mia Jankowicz (October 17, 2024) Insider
Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Killed in Gaza: Israel
By Emell Derra Adolphus (October 17, 2024) DailyBeast
North Korean Troops Set to Join
Russian Army as Pyongyang 'Fully Enters' War
By James Kilner (October 16, 2024) the Telegraph
The Horror Weapon Transforming Warfare
By Guy Kelly (October 16, 2024) the Telegraph
A Record-Breaking 153 Chinese Warplanes Flew
Around Taiwan in War Games Meant as a Warning
By Chris Panella (October 15, 2024) Business Insider
A Gang Leader in Haiti Is Injured in a
Shootout With Haitian and Kenyan Police
By Evens Sanon (October 15, 2024) AP
Taliban Bans All Images of Living Things
By No Author (October 14, 2024) the Telegraph
'Dad's Army' Map of How to Conquer Taiwan
Released by China
By No Author (October 14, 2024) the Telegraph
Biden Sends Antimissile System and 100
Troops to Israel, Deepening U.S. Role
By John Hudson, Dan Lamothe
(October 13, 2024) Washington Post
Watch: Ukrainian Men Dragged Out of Nightclubs
by Army Recruiters
By James Kilner (October 13, 2024) the Telegraph
Ukrainian Journalist, 27, Who \Chronicled
Russian Occupation Dies in Prison
By Sarah Rainsford (October 12, 2024) BBC
The End of a Shortage of Popular Weight-Loss Drugs
May Mean Many People Lose Access to Them
By Meg Tirrell (October 9, 2024) CNN
The Russian Arms Dealer Who Was Exchanged for
Brittney Griner is Trying to Sell Weapons to the Houthis: Report
By Joshua Nelken-Zitser (October 7, 2024) Insider
Israel Tallies a Year of Gaza War:
40,000 Targets Bombed, 4380 Soldiers
By No Author (October 7, 2024) Reuters
Gang in Haiti Massacres 70"
Leader Blames Victims as Thousands Flee
By Harold Isaac and Sarah Morland
(October 4, 2024) USA Today
Port Strike Longshoremen Union Boss Linked to
Murdered Mobster in Farce Racketeering Case He Beat At Trial
By Michael Ruiz (October 4, 2024) Fox News
Prepare for Attack, With Best Regards:
Houthis Issue Email Alert to Shipping Fleets
By Renee Maltezou, Jonathan Saul (October 3, 2024) Reuters
8 Israeli Soldiers Killed in Intense Fighting
With Hezbollah in Lebanon
By Tucker Reals, Khaled Wassef, Margaret Brennan,
Chris Livesay, Haley Ott
(October 2, 2024) CBS News
How to Help Hurricane Helene Survivors:
Donations, Relief Efforts and More
By Macy Meyer (October 2, 2024) CNET
Helene Damage: A Quick Guide on How to
Help Victims in Florida, Other States
By Samantha Neely (October 2, 2024) Tallahassee Democrat
Claudia Sheinbaum Sworn In As 1st
Female President of Mexico
By No Author (October 1, 2024) AP
Harold Daggett: How Union Leader Who Fought
Mob Tie Allegations is Holding the US Economy to Ransom
By Cameron Henderson (October 1, 2024) the Telegraph
Robots Are Playing a Big Part in the
U.S. Port Strike. Here's How
By Britney Nguyen (October 1, 2024) Quartz
Dock Worker Strike Shuts Down Ports
in the East, Threatening Big Hit to the U.S. Economy
By Don Lee (October 1, 2024) Los Angeles Times
Even Before the Israeli Ground Invasion,
Hezbollah Was Struggling to Regroup
By Nabih Bulos (October 1, 2024) Los Angeles Times
The Ground Was Shaking, No One Expected It
Sudan's Army Launches Dawn Raid To Recapture Khartoum
By Ben Farmer (September 29, 2024) the Telegraph
Iran Revolutionary Guard General Died in Israeli Strike
That Killed Hezbollah Leader, Reports Say
By Jon Gambrell (September 28, 2024) AP
Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah Was Killed
in Beirut Strike, Israel's Military Says
By Melanie Lidman and Bassem Mroue
(September 28, 2024) Associated Press
Military Model Aircraft Enthusiast to Become
Japan's New Prime Minister
By Nicola Smith (September 27, 2024) the Telegraph
Giant Blasts Rock Beirut as Israel
Says it Hit Hezbollah Headquarters
By Nabih Bulos and Laura King
(September 27, 2024) Los Angeles Times
Japan Sails Warship in Taiwan Strait for First Time
By Kelly Ng and Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
(September 26, 2024) BBC News
What is the Iran-Backed Axis of
Resistance, and What Does it Mean for Israel?
By Nabih Bulos (September 26, 2024) Los Angeles Times
I Was in a Hezbollah Tunnel - This is What Awaits Israel
By James Rothwell (September 26, 2024) the Telegraph
Mexico's New President Takes Reins
of Shaky Economy
By Jean Arce (September 26, 2024) AFP
'Stop Ripping Us Off' Ozempic Producer CEO
in Hot Seat in Congressional Hearing
By Cheyenne Haslett and Ivan Pereira
(September 24, 2024) ABC News
AMLO Seizes US-Owned Port in
Final Week as Mexico's Leader
By Eric Martin (September 24, 2024) Bloomberg
Update: Zelensky Confirms Ukraine Used Domestically
Produced Weapons to Strike Russian Arms Depots
By No Author (September 23, 2024) Kyiv Independent
Israeli Military Claims It Killed Senior Hezbollah
Military Figure Ibrahim Aqil in Beirut Strike
By Kathleen Magramo, Sophie Tanno and Christian Edwards
(September 20, 2024) CNN
What to Know About the Two Waves of
Deadly Explosions That Hit Lebanon and Syria
By Wyatte Grantham-Philips, Michael Biesecker,
Sarah El Deeb and Sarah Parvini (September 19, 2024) AP
Network of Georgia Election Officials
Strategizing to Undermine 2024 Result
By Justin Glawe (September 18, 2024) the Guardian
A Wave of Exploding Pagers in Lebanon and Syria
Kills at Least 8, Including Members of Hezbollah
By Bassem Mroue (September 17, 2024) AP
Putin Orders Russian Army to Become
Second Largest After China's at 1.5 Million-Strong
By Andrew Osborn (September 16, 2024) Reuters
NATO's Stoltenberg Says Each Country Must Decide
if Ukraine Can Use its Long-Range Missiles on Russia
By No Author (September 16, 2024) Reuters
US Secret Service Says It Is Aware of
Musk Post About Biden, Harris
By Jeff Mason (September 16, 2024) Reuters
German Warships Ignored China's Complaints and Sailed
Through the Taiwan Strait for the First Time in over 2 Decades
By Chris Panella (September 13, 2024) Business Insider
Rafah a Ghost Town as Israeli Military Claims
Victory in Gaza's Southernmost City
By Richard Engel (September 13, 2024) NBC News
Putin Says West Will Be Fighting Directly with Russia
if it Lets Kyiv Use Long-Range Missiles
By Andrew Osborn and Guy Faulconbridge
(September 12, 2024) Reuters
Mexico Adopts World-First Judicial Reforms
After Protesters Storm Congress
By Daniel Rook (September 11, 2024) AFP
NYPD Officer Lands $175K Settlement Over
'Courtesy Cards' That Help Drivers Get Out of Traffic Stops
By Philip Marcelo (September 10, 2024) AP
A Worker Won $600,000 After Twitter Said His
Goodbye Messages Showed He Had Resigned. The Case
Holds Valuable Lessons for Staff and Employers.
By Polly Thompson (September 9, 2024) Business Insider
Outgunned and Outnumbered, Ukraine's Military is
Struggling with Low Morale and Desertion
By Ivana Kottasová and Kostya Gak
(September 8, 2024) CNN
How Israel Learned to Fight Hamas Deep Under Ground
By Jake Wallis Simons (September 7, 2024) the Telegraph
Hamas Told to Execute Israeli Hostages
If They Fear IDF Are Closing In
By Jotam Confino (September 3, 2024) the Telegraph
New Unproductive Forces:
The Chinese Youth Owning Their Unemployment
By Laurie Chen (September 1, 2024) Reuters
Workers in Japan Can't Quit Their Jobs.
They Hire Resignation Experts to Help
By Samra Zulfaqar, Nodoka Katsura and Rinka Tonsho
(August 31, 2024) CNN
China Tells Philippines to Immediately Withdraw from
Contested South China Sea Atoll
By No Author (August 30, 2024) South China Morning Post
Japan's Defense Ministry Seeks Record Budget
as it Faces Growing Threat from China
By Mari Yamaguchi (August 30, 2024) Associated Press
Opinion - On His Way Out, AMLO Is
Taking a Wrecking-Ball to Mexico's Institutions
By Arturo McFields (August 30, 2024) The Hill
Russian Fighters to leave Burkina Faso for Ukraine
By Paul Njie (August 30, 2024) BBC News
Al Qaeda Branch Says it Killed 300 Fighters,
Not Civilians, in Burkina Faso Attack
By David Lewis (April 29, 2024) Reuters
'Back from the Dead' Islamic Jihad Chief Killed
by Israeli Special Forces in Mosque Shootout
By Jotam Confino (August 29, 2024) the Telegraph
Haiti's Army Wants Recruits to Fight Gangs,
and Youths Jump at the Rare Job Offer
By Evens Sanon and Danika Coto (August 28, 2024) AP
Mexico's President Announces Pause in Relationship with
U.S. Embassy After Criticism from Ambassador
By Kate Linthicum (August 27, 2024)
Los Angeles Times
Ukrainian Pilots Fly F-16 Warplanes in Combat for
First Time in Fight Against Russia
By Tom Vanden Brook (August 27, 2024) USA Today
Analysis-Mexico Central Bank Has
Growing Inflation Challenge: Extortion
By Noe Torres, Lizbeth Diaz and Ana Isabel Martinez
(August 27, 2024) Reuters
China's Coast Guard is Looking Even More Like its
2nd Navy With Monster Ships, a Destroyer-Level Vessel,
and a Rumored Drone Carrier
By (August 26, 2024) Business Insider
Venezuela's Little Commandos Took on Maduro.
Now They May Be Leading a New Wave of Migration
By Stefano Pozzebon (August 26, 2024) CNN
Kim Unveils New North Korea Suicide Drones
By No Author (August 25, 2024) AFP
Protesters Against Judiciary Overhaul Plan
Urge Mexican President to Respect Democracy
By Megan Janetsky (August 25, 2024) AP
Chinese Coast Guard Ships Fire Water Cannons
and Block Philippine Fisheries Vessel in Disputed Sea
By No Author (August 25, 2024) Associated Press
2 U.S. Residents Killed in Armed Attack on
Mexican Highway
By Faris Tanyos (August 24, 2024) CBS News
Russian Media Turn on Putin:
Doubts Grow Over Ukraine War
By No Author (August 24, 2024) ESSA News
UK Intelligence Describes What Is Happening in
Wagner Group Year After Prigozhin's Death
By Iryna Kutielieva, Tetyana Oliynyk
(August 23, 2024) Ukrainska Pravda
The U.S. and Mexico Are Sparring Over Lopez Obrador's
Radical Plan to Overhaul the Judiciary
By Kate Linthicum (August 23, 2024) the Los Angeles Times
US Military to Deliver 24 More Armored Vehicles
to Kenyan Police in Haiti
By No Author (August 23, 2024) Reuters
Why Free School Lunches for All May
Become a Campaign Issue
By Greg Iacurci (August 19, 2024) CNBC
Russia Appears to Be Using Wired, Unjammable Fiber-Optic Drones
That Could Fix a Big Problem Its Operators Have Faced in This War
By Chris Panella (August 21, 2024) Insider
Key Takeaways from Day One of DNC 2024:
Biden Passes the Torch to Harris in Speech
By Andrew Romano (August 20, 2024) Yahoo
China's Shipbuilders Are Teasing a New Coast Guard Mothership,
and There's Talk It Could Be an Aircraft or Drone Carrier
By Matthew Loh (August 19, 2024) Insider
Watch: Men Arrested for Wearing Shorts
Despite 45C Heat in Iran
By Akhtar Makoii (August 17, 2024) The Telegraph
Ukraine in Maps: Tracking the War with Russia
By No Author (August 14, 2024) BBC
Iranian Vice President Resigns After
Only 11 Days in Office
By No Author (August 12, 2024) DPA
Iran's President Proposes An Ex-Nuclear Negotiator As
Foreign Minister. A Woman Is Also on the List
By No Author (August 11, 2024) Associated Press
Machado: Opposition Would Offer Maduro Incentives to
Negotiate Transition to Democracy
By Nora Gámez Torres (August 7, 2024) Miami Herald
Hamas Names Yahya Sinwar, Mastermind of the Oct. 7 Attacks,
As Its New Leader in Show of Defiance
By Bassem Moue (August 6, 2024) Associated Press
Google Has an Illegal Monopoly on Search, US Judge Finds
By David Shepardson and Mike Scarcella (August 5, 2024) Reuters
IDF Uncovers Hamas-Built Drive-Through
Tunnel on Gaza-Egypt Border
By Iona Cleave (August 4, 2024) the Telegraph
Ukraine Confirms F-16s Have Arrived in Country as Zelensky
Heralds New Chapter in Fight Against Russia
By Radina Gigova (August 4, 2024) CNN
US Recognizes Opposition Candidate Gonzalez as
the Winner of Venezuela's Presidential Election
By No Author (August 1, 2024) Associated Press
Extortion and Gang Violence are Hitting Even Big
Corporations and Business Leaders in Mexico
By Alfredo Pena (July 31, 2024) AP
Hamas Political Leader Haniyeh Assassinated in Iran,
Plunging Middle East Conflict into Dangerous New Phase
By Rob Picheta (July 31, 2024) CNN
Hezbollah Military Commander Claimed Killed By Israel
Was Blamed By the US for 1983 Marine Bombing
By Bassem Mroue and Kareem Chehayeb
(July 30, 2024) Associated Press
Dozens of Russian Mercenaries Killed in Rebel Ambush
in Mali, in Their Worst Known Loss in Africa
By Tim Lister, Avery Schmitz and Darya Tarasova
(July 29, 2024) CNN
North Korean Charged in Cyberattacks on
US Hospitals, NASA and Military Bases
By Nick Ingram, Michael Goldberg and Heather Hollingsworth
(July 25, 2024) Associated Press
Russia Is Offering Moscow Residents a
Record $22,000 to Fight in Ukraine
By Mariya Knight and Kathleen Magramo
(July 24, 2024) CNN
200 More Kenyan Police Arrive in Haiti to
Help Country Tackle Violent Criminal Gangs
By Jacqueline Charles (July 16, 2024) Miami Herald
Israel Says Hamas Commander Was Likely Killed
Despite Denial
By Ethan Bronner (July 14, 2024) Bloomberg
North Korea Executed 30 Teenagers for
Watching South Korean Dramas: Reports
By Hannah Abraham (July 12, 2024) Business Insider
Philippines to 'Stand Our Ground' in
South China Sea Dispute
By Cecil MORELLA (July 11, 2024) AFP
From $7 Graffiti to Arson and a Bomb Plot:
How Russia's Shadow War on NATO Members Has Evolved
By Nick Paton Walsh, Sarah Dean and Karolina Jeznach
(July 10, 2024) CNN
Police Say They Have Taken Largest Public Hospital
in Haiti Back from Gang Control
By Jacqueline Charles (July 8, 2024) Miami Herald
Dozens Rally In Pakistan After a Christian Man
Is Sentenced To Death for Blasphemy
By No Author (July 2, 2024) Associated Press
Is China Building a New Spy Base in Cuba?
Here’s What a New Report Found
By Nora Gámez Torres (July 2, 2024) Miami Herald
Border Arrests Fall More Than 40% After Biden's
Halt To Asylum Processing, Homeland Security Says
By Elliot Spagat and Rebecca Santana (June 26, 2024) AP
Iran's Supreme Leader Warns Sole Reformist in
Presidential Race, While Calling for 'Maximum' Turnout
By Jon Gambrell (June 25, 2024) Associated Press
Village on Ukraine's Doorstep Set to Become NATO's
Biggest European Air Base as Putin Vows to Go
'Until the End' in the War
By Cameron Manley (June 24, 2024) Insider
Kenyan Police Advance Team Arrives in Haiti.
First Security Force Could Be Right Behind
By Jacqueline Charles (June 24, 2024) Miami Herald
Israel Won't End War in Gaza Until
'Iran's Intentions to Destroy Us' Are Thwarted
By John Bacon (June 24, 2024) USA Today
China Is Greenlighting Possible Death Penalties for
Diehard Supporters of Taiwan Gaining Independence
By Matthew Loh (June 24, 2024) Business Insider
South Africa's New Government Brings Black and White Together.
It's Also Reviving Racial Tensions
By Gerald Imray (June 22, 2024) Associated Press
Once Ousted as Haiti's Police Chief for Failing
to Control Gangs, He's Now Back in Top Job
By Jacqueline Charles (June 20, 2024) Miami Herald
In Gaza, $25 Cigarettes Are Turning Aid Trucks into Targets
By Stephen Kalin, Dov Lieber (June 19, 2024) Wall Street Journal
Kim Jong Un and Putin Sign Mutual
Defense Pact at North Korea Summit
By Courtney Kube, Carol E. Lee, Jennifer Jett,
Stella Kim and Mithil Aggarwal
(June 19, 2024) NBC News
Map Shows Where All the Worlds Nuclear Weapons Are
By Gergana Krasteva (June 18, 2024) Metro
Reclusive Taliban Leader Warns Afghans Against
Earning Money or Gaining Worldly Honor
By No Author (June 17, 2024) LA Times
In Sweeping Change, Biden Administration
to Ban Medical Debt from Credit Reports
By Cheyenne Haslett and Elizabeth Schulze
(June 11, 2024) GMA
Al Jazeera Journalist Hid Israeli Hostages
for Hamas, Claims IDF
By Melanie Swan (June 9, 2024) The Telegraph
Israel Rescues Four Hostages Held By Hamas in Gaza
By Barak Ravid (June 8, 2024) Axios
Mexico's President Vows to Press Ahead
with Changes to Constitution Despite Market Nervousness
By Mark Stevenson (June 7, 2024) AP
U.S. Confronts Failures as Terrorism Spreads in West Africa
By Eric Schmitt and Ruth Maclean (June 7, 2024) New York Times
The Secret to Claudia Sheinbaums Success:
She Is Not Like AMLO At All
By Francisco Goldman (June 6, 2024) the New Republic
Mexican Mayor Killed Hours After
First Woman Elected President
By Vanessa Buschschluter (June 4, 2024) BBC
TSMC Says It Has Discussed Moving Fabs
Out of Taiwan, But Such a Move Impossible
By No Author (June 4, 2024) Reuters
Mexico Elects Claudia Sheinbaum as its First Woman President
By Maria Verza and Mark Stevenson (June 3, 2024) AP
Trump Verdict Live Updates:
Trump Found Guilty of 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records,
Becoming the First U.S. President to Be Convicted of Criminal Charges
By Yahoo Staff (May 30, 2024) Yahoo
Bodies of Three More Hostages Are Recovered
From Gaza By the Israeli Army
By Sam Mednick (May 24, 2024) Time
Live Nation Suffocates Its Competition
US Says in Monopoly Lawsuit
By Sarah N. Lynch (May 23, 2024) Reuters
China Surrounds Taiwan With Military War Games: Maps
By John Feng (May 23, 2024) NewsWeek
Chinese Team Proposes Invisible Expansion
in Disputed South China Sea Using Tunnels
By Maroosha Muzaffar (May 22, 2024) The Independent
Putin, Xi Issue One-Sentence Warning on Nuclear War
By Andrew Stanton (May 16, 2024) Newsweek
Israel Moves Into North Gaza Hamas Stronghold,
Pounds Rafah Without Advancing
By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Emily Rose (May 16, 2024) Reuters
Ukrainian Authorities Seek US Approval
to Deploy American Arms Against Russia
By Ella Bennet (May 15 2024) UBJ
China Navy Secretly Built What Could Be
World's First Drone Aircraft Carrier: report
By (May 15, 2024 Business Insider
Putin's Forces Amass More Than Half a Million Troops
on Front Line as Ukraine Warns They Have Run out of Reserves
By James Saunders (May 15, 2024) GB News
Trump Trial Live Updates:
Michael Cohen Testifies in Hush Money Case,
Recounts Arranging Deal to Silence Stormy Daniels
By Numerous Authors (May 13, 2024) Yahoo News
Russia's Africa Push Sparks Alarm:
Great Chaos Brewing
By Isabel van Brugen (May 10, 2024) NewsWeek
Acclaimed Iranian Film Director Mohammad Rasoulof
Sentenced to 8 Years, Flogging
By Darryl Coote (May 9, 2024) UPI News
US Official Says Chinese Seizure of TSMC
in Taiwan Would Be 'Absolutely Devastating'
By David Shepardson (May 8, 2024) Reuters
U.S. Military Planes Begin Landing in Haiti as
Multinational Effort to Quell Violence Gathers Pace
By Demian Bio (May 7, 2024) Latin Times
Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-Fire; Israel Says It Will
Continue Talks But Presses on With Rafah Attacks
By Sam Mednick, Josef Federman and Bassim Mroue
(May 6, 2024) AP
North Korea's Miniaturized Nuclear Warheads:
A Dangerous Leap in Ballistic Missile Capabilities
By Isaac Jones (May 6, 2024) Trendy Digest
U.S. Could Allow for American Troop Deployment
to Ukraine - Democratic House Leader Jeffries
By Alla Shcherbak (May 6, 2024) New Voice of Ukraine
Trump Confirms He Wanted To Go To Capitol on Jan. 6
By Brett Samuels (May 1, 2024) The Hill
Thousands of Former Wagner Fighters
Are Now Answering to Moscow
By Erin Banco (April 28, 2024) Politico
Two Russian Journalists Arrested on Extremism Charges
Accused of Working for Navalny Group
By Zarah Ullah, Katharina Krebs, Darya Tarasova and Christian Edwards
(April 28, 2024) CNN
Haiti Transitional Government Takes Power
As Gangs Hold Capital hostage
By No Author (April 25, 2024) Reuters
Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi Sentenced
to Death for Protesting
By Artemis Moshtaghian (April 25, 2024) CNN
Ukraine Weapons: What Arms Are Being Supplied
and Why Are There Shortages?
By No Author (April 24, 2024) BBC News
Why the U.S. Militarys Withdrawal from Niger
is a Devastating Blow
By Sarah Carter (April 22, 2024) CBS News
Haitians Scramble To Survive, Seeking Food, Water
and Safety As Gang Violence Chokes the Capital
By Danica Codo (April 21, 2024) AP
Biden Administration Secures Key Agreement for Aid Distribution
From US Military Pier Being Built off Gaza Coast
ByNatasha Bertrand, Jennifer Hansler, Kylie Atwood and Alex Marquardt
(April 20, 2024) CNN
Explosion Hits Iraqi Military Base
Housing Pro-Iranian Militia
By Sebastian Usher (April 20, 2024) BBC
Erdogan Meets Hamas Leader Amid Reports
Terror Group Wants To Relocate
By Alex Bolot (April 20, 2024) the Telegraph
Mexican Presidential Frontrunner Would
Focus on Renewable Energy, Water
By Anthony Esposito (April 19, 2024) Reuters
AMLO Expanded Mexicos Military. It Built
Airports Instead of Reining In Murders
By Andrea Navarro (April 19, 2024) Bloomberg
Antony Blinken Raises Alarm Over North Korea,
Iran and China's Military Aid to Russia
By Benzinga Neuro(April 10, 2024) Benzinga
ISIS Calls for Ramadan Massacre of Christians and Jews
By Lone Wolves Across US, Europe and Israel
By Joseph Wilkes & James Liddell (March 28, 2024) Mirror
Massive Changes Coming To Google Chrome
Threaten To Reshape the Modern Internet
By Hamza Shaban (March 24, 2024) Yahoo
A Turbojet and 13 Bombs:
Irans New Gaza Drone Can Threaten Israel
By MAARIV (March 23, 2024) Jerusalem Post
Justice Department Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Apple
Over Its Infamous Walled Garden
By Mariella Moon and Lawrence Bonk (March 2024) Engadget
Biden to Announce 'Emergency' US Military Mission
to Build Pier off Gaza Coast to Deliver Aid
By Fritz Farrow (March 7, 2023) ABC News
Mexicos Most Dangerous City for Police Refuses
the Cartel 34 Officers Are Dead
By Mark Stevenson (March 7, 2024) the Independent
The Houthis Are Very, Very Pleased
By Robert F. Worth (March 5, 2024) Atlantic
Putin Allies Quietly Gathering Private Armies
By Isabel van Brugen (March 5, 2024) Newsweek
Haiti Declares a Curfew as it Tries to Restore Order
After Weekend Jailbreak, Explosion of Violence
Gunfire Paralyzes Haiti as Powerful Gang Leader
Says He Will Try to Detain Police Chief, Ministers
By Evens Sanon and Danica Coto (February 29, 2024) AP
Houthis Knock Out Underwater Cables
Linking Europe to Asia - Report
By Staff (February 27, 2024) Jerusalem Post
Exclusive-Satellite Images Reveal Floating Barrier
At Mouth of Disputed Atoll in South China Sea
By Greg Torode and Karen Lema (February 26, 2024) Reuters
First Responders in a Texas Town Are Struggling To Cope With
the Trauma of Recovering Bodies From the Rio Grande
By Morgan Chesky and Alicia Victoria Lozano
(February 26, 2024) NBC News
North Korean Workers Stage Massive Riot in
China Over Unpaid Wages
By No Author (February 22, 2024) Wikitree
Alexei Navalny Latest: UK First Country to Issue
Sanctions Over Brutal killing of Putin Critic in Prison
By Namita Singh,Andy Gregory and Tom Watling
(February 21, 2024) Independent
Christians Caught With a Bible in North Korea
Have Faced Death and Had Their families, Including Children,
Thrown in Prison for Life, a New Report Says
By Ryan Pickrell (May 26, 2023) Business Insider
Haiti Conflict Puts Over 100,000 Kids
at Risk of Starving to Death, UN Says
By Harold Isaac and Sarah Morland (May 11, 2023) Reuters
Wagner Chief Said His Troops Are No Longer Withdrawing
From Bakhmut After Being Promised As Many Artillery Shells As They Need
By Alia Shoaib (May 7, 2023) Business Insider
Mothers Rent Out Babies for Begging and Poison
Their Children To Survive Drought in Somalia
By Fathi Mohamed Ahmed (May 4, 2023) The Telegraph
Its Hell - Vigilantes Take to Haitis Streets
in Bloody Reprisals Against Gangs
By Tom Phillips and Harold Isaac (April 30, 2023) the Guardian
China and India are Buying So Much Russian Oil That Moscow's
Now Selling More Crude Than It Was Before Invading Ukraine
By Phil Rosen (April 14, 2023) Business Insider
The Mexican Government Continues Nationalizing
Key Industries Despite US objections
By Diego Lasarte (April 5, 2023) Yahoo
Putin Says Russia Will Station
Tactical Nukes in Belarus
By No Author (March 25, 2023) AP
South Africa Must Arrest Vladimir Putin
By Ross Clark (March 24, 2023) The Telegraph
US Sanctions Belarus' Election Officials, President's Plane
By FATIMA HUSSEIN (March 24, 2023) AP
First Guilty Plea in Assassination of Haitis President.
Drug Dealer Admits Backing Plot
By Jay Weaver (March 24, 2023) Miami Herald
North Korea Tests New Underwater
Nuclear Attack 'Drone': KCNA
By No Author (March 23, 2023) AFP
A Nuclear Physicist Describes 7 Things
You Probably Didn't Know About Radioactive
Fallout from a Nuclear Bomb
By Adam Barnes (March 23, 2023) Business Insider
US Report Lists 'Significant Human Rights'
Abuses in India
By Kanishka Singh (March 20, 2023) Reuters
US: War Crimes On All Sides in
Ethiopia's Tigray Conflict
By MATTHEW LEE (March 20, 2023) AP
Russia Signals It Will Take More
Ukrainian Children, a Crime in Progress
By Marc Santora and Emma Bubola
(March 19, 2023) The New York Times
Haiti PM Turns to Military for Help in Fighting Gangs
By EVENS SANON (March 17, 2023) AP
International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Putin
By Ari Blaff (March 17, 2023) National Review
Heads of Belarusian Media Outlet Sentenced
to 12 Years at Closed Trial
No Author (March 17, 2023) Reuters
China to Develop Dredger 'More Powerful Than
Artificial Island-Builder of South China Sea'
By No Author (March 12, 2023) South China Morning Post
After Losing More Than 30,000 Soldiers, the
Brutal Wagner Group is Now Recruiting in Russian Schools
By Katie Balevic (March 12, 2023) Business Insider
FBI Gun Seizure Orders From People Who Fail
Background Checks Hit Historic Rates
By Kevin Johnson (March 5. 2023) USA Today
Belarus Court Jails Nobel Laureate Bialiatski for 10 Years
By YURAS KARMANAU (March 3, 2023) AP
Mexicans Turn Out in Droves to Protest
Electoral Overhaul, See Democracy at Risk
By Dave Graham (February 26, 2023) Reuters
Prison for North Korean Parents Who Let Their
Children Watch Hollywood Films
By Julian Ryall (February 24, 2023) The Telegraph
Colombia Must Do More to Stop Child Recruitment
by Armed Groups -NGO
By No Author (February 24, 2023) Reuters
China Calls for Russia-Ukraine Cease-Fire, Peace Talks
By No Author (February 23, 2023) AP
The U.S. Has Billions for Wind and Solar Projects.
Good Luck Plugging Them In.
By Brad Plumer (February 23, 2023) New York Times
Calls for Change in Iran Reach Even
Shiite Heartland of Qom
By No Author (February 21, 2023) AP
Revealed: Leaked Document Shows How
Russia Plans To Take Over Belarus
By Michael Weiss and Holger Roonemaa
(February 20' 2023 yahoo
Iran 'Takes Major Step Towards Acquiring a
Nuclear Weapon'
By James Rothwell (February 19, 2023) Telegraph
What is Nato and How is it Helping Ukraine?
By No Author (February 17, 2023) BBC
Wagner Mercenary Head Bemoans Russia’s
‘Monstrous Military Bureaucracy’
By No Author (February 16, 2023) The Telegraph
Al Qaeda's New Leader Adel Has
$10 Million Bounty on His Head
By Michael Georgy (February 15, 2023) Reuters
U.S. State Department Warns To Avoid Parts of Mexico
Over Ongoing Violence, Kidnappings
By Nathan Solis (February 10, 2023) Los Angeles Times
The Politics of Blasphemy: Why Pakistan and Some
Other Muslim Countries Are Passing New Blasphemy Laws
By Ahmet T. Kuru (February 6, 2023) The Conversation
Putin May 'Disappear at Any Moment,'
Spark Russian Civil War: Ex-Commander
By Andrew Stanton (February 6 , 2023) NewsWeek
Iran's Supreme Leader Issues Pardon for
'Tens of Thousands' of Prisoners - IRNA
By Tom Perry (February 5, 2023) Reuters
Ismail Mashal: Taliban Arrests Afghan Professor
Who Backed Girls' Education
By Tiffany Wertheimer (February 3, 2023) BBC News
Trump Is Still a Putin Stooge and a Traitor to His Country
By David Rothkopf (February 2, 2023) DailyBeast
Some UN Afghan Aid Delivered by Men Only
Donors Voice Alarm
By Michelle Nichols (February 2, 2023) Reuters
What's Behind the Pakistani Taliban's Insurgency?
By MUNIR AHMED (January 30, 2023) A.P.
Iran's 'Death Committee' President Unyielding
in Defence of Clerical Rule
By Parisa Hafezi (January 17, 2023) Reuters
Jailed Navalny Vows to Keep Resisting the
Kremlin as Campaign to Free Him Launches
By Andrew Osborn (January 17, 2023) Reuters
Belarus Puts Exiled Opposition Leader on Trial
By No Author (January 17, 2023) Reuters
Former Russian Mercenary Commander Fled to Norway
and is Willing to Give Evidence of its Worst Crimes
in Ukraine, Lawyer Says
By Joshua Zitser (January 16, 2023) Business Insider
Mexico Bans Smoking in Public, One of World’s
Strictest Anti-Tobacco Laws
By THERESA BRAINE (January 16, 2023) Daily News
Iraqi PM Backs Indefinite U.S. Troop
Presence in Country: WSJ Interview
By No Author (January 15, 2023) Reuters
Mursal Nabizada: Gunmen Kill Former
Afghan MP at Home in Kabul
By No Author (January 15, 2023) BBC
'They Are on the Run':
Somalia leads fight against al-Shabab
By OMAR FARUK (January 15, 2023) AP
Mass Shootings: America’s Challenge for Gun Control
Explained in Charts
By No Author (January 24, 2023) BBC
Haiti Now Has No Elected Officials
as Political Crisis Deepens
By Christopher Rhodes (January 14, 2023) Blavity
Russia’s Wagner Group Ramping Up Operations
Outside of Ukraine, U.S. Warns
By Erin Banco (January 9, 2023) Politico
Kim Jong-un’s Midlife Crisis:
‘He’s Crying After Drinking a Lot’
By Nicola Smith (January 8, 2023) The Telegraph
As Young Gazans Die at Sea,
Anger Rises Over Leaders' Travel
(January 6, 2023) Associated Press
The Iranian Fashion Revolution
By Pardis Mahdavi (January 5, 2023) Elle
Belarus Opens Trial of Nobel Peace Prize
Laureate Bialiatski
By No Author (January 5, 2023) AP
Modi Takes Steps to Allow Yale,
Oxford to Open India Campuses
By Bibhudatta Pradhan (January 5, 2023) Bloomberg
Putin is Sending a Warship Into the Atlantic
Armed With New Hypersonic Cruise Missiles
By Jake Epstein (January 4. 2023) Business Insider
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